Developers who think like builders.
LEARN ABOUT OUR PROPERTIESBuilders who think like developers.
LET US BUILD YOUR NEXT PROJECTWe embrace new investments, create innovative transformations, build dynamic properties and save 100-year-old architectural treasures from the wrecking ball.

We embrace new investments, create innovative transformations, build dynamic properties and save 100-year-old architectural treasures from the wrecking ball.
Our properties and construction projects help transform neighborhoods and the way people work and live in them.
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From the blog
The Glassworks: Our 103-Unit New Construction and Adaptive Reuse Multifamily Project
Urban Conversions has secured 1700-30 N. Howard Street as its latest development project. Most recently a silk dye works, the project will include a combination of historic adaptive reuse and new construction. The 103-unit Class A multifamily project includes the integration of a three-story historic industrial building, which is located at the corner of Cecil […]
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